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Matt and Liz West

Taipei International Church

Our family has been attending TIC since November 2018.  We had recently moved to Taiwan and were eager to find an English speaking church where we could build community with other believers and grow in our relationships with the Lord.  We had visited a few churches after we arrived, but none made us feel as welcome as when we walked into TIC.  The warm greetings were a tangible expression of God's love to us and we were touched!  So we decided this would be our church home for the duration of our time in Taipei.

About six months later, TIC launched Community Groups, and we decided we would like to serve by leading and hosting a group in our home.  This has been the best way for us to build community within the church.  We've had the opportunity to get to know people in a real and meaningful way, to grow together as we study God's Word, and to pray for each other through challenging seasons.  By serving as CG leaders, we have grown in a special way, learning how to rely more fully on God as we seek His wisdom, and learning how to lead in unity together as a couple.

We hope you feel the warm welcome of this church community, and that you have the opportunity to know God's love more deeply through the tangible expressions of His love through the people of TIC!

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