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Our new pastor


After a time of exploration, search and discernment, the elders and members of Taipei International Church have chosen Brad Warne as our new pastor. We look forward to welcoming Brad & Esmé to our city and to our congregation early next year.

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Brad and Esmé Warne met at Bible School in Durban, South Africa. They married and entered full time Christian service in 1988. In their three decades of ministry, they have served in varying capacities including youth, associate, senior and outreach pastors. The first 20 years of service was in South Africa and the last 13 years in Shanghai and Suzhou, China. 

Brad’s great love is for the church and he enjoys building community and connecting people to their  potential. For more than a decade he has pastored international churches where he has provided creative leadership in preaching, discipleship ministries and leadership development, including outreach both locally and internationally. Brad is loved for his lively and personal leadership style, his passion for helping people live their faith in everyday ways, and for his sense of humor. Esmé has a passion to support the poor and to bring hope to the underprivileged. 

They have twin daughters aged 22 years. Caitlyn is studying occupational therapy in Michigan, USA and Abigail is part of an internship program in the media department of a church in South Africa. 

Brad & Es both enjoy a good game of tennis to keep fit, and Brad also does a bit of mountain biking.

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